This 2024 edition marks the 10th anniversary of the Think Tank. 10 years in which we’ve been lucky enough to welcome several hundred committed personalities to highlight their struggle and commitment through conferences, debates, testimonials and even humor. A diversity of formats for a multitude of subjects, with a single idea in mind for the past 10 years: to raise public awareness of environmental and social issues during a festive and cultural event!

From a small teepee and a few dozen festival-goers in 2014, we’ve grown to a fully-fledged stage that can accommodate over 1,000 people, and where deckchairs are in short supply every year.

Looking back, we can see 10 years of commitment, enthusiasm and extraordinary encounters, debates of crucial importance for the new generation. But above all, it commits us to looking to the future with energy. We promise you an anniversary edition just as exceptional and creative as the last 10 years!




is eco-anxiety a rich person's problem?

Eco-anxiety is a personal feeling and an intimate emotion, but does it have to be dealt with individually? What are the concrete collective solutions? How can we encourage movement and solidarity in response to eco-anxiety? What can we learn from different struggles (feminist, anti-racist, decolonial, etc.)?
Camille Teste invites Hala Bounaidja Rachedi (decolonial ecofeminist activist and committed therapist), Cannelle Fourdrinier (ecofeminist and anti-colonial activist) and Tanguy Descamps (co-author of Vivre avec l'éco-lucidité) to take part in her podcast Encore Heureux, recorded live and in public.

more noise than falling trees

While trees could represent a totem of reconciliation between man and nature, the way they are treated continues to symbolise a disconnected society. All over the world, people sensitive to these issues and aware of the preciousness of our allies, the trees, are rising up against the absurd treatment reserved for them. Estelle Ewoub Lobe (a campaigner for climate justice and founder of APADIM) and Thomas Brail (an arborist and climber) are among them, the former in Africa and the latter in France. Each in their own way, they are raising the alarm, making a commitment and proposing a different relationship with biodiversity.

eau calme

How can we remain calm in a world where biodiversity is collapsing and water, the essential resource for life on Earth, is becoming increasingly scarce? A relaxed discussion with Swann Périssé (committed comedian) and Charlène Descollonges (hydrologist and lecturer), moderated by Axel Roux (journalist and editor-in-chief of Vakita) for the Vakita media.

the ocean is our lungs: let's protect it!

Often forgotten despite occupying 70% of the Earth's surface, the oceans are our civilisation's last insurance policy. If their condition continues to deteriorate, if governments continue to authorise (or even ‘encourage’) their exploitation, we will have lost our chances of surviving on the blue planet. Many activists are committed to protecting this fragile and much-needed ecosystem: from simply marvelling at its immensity to taking legal action to force the hand of those in power, let's take a look at the different ways of taking action, with Claire Nouvian (founder of BLOOM), Alexis Rosenfeld (photographer, professional diver and explorer) and Charles Guirriec (co-founder of Poiscaille). A discussion led by journalist Jean-Pierre Canet.
The aim is to clean up Indonesian rivers to prevent plastic from reaching the oceans. Recovered waste is then cleaned, recycled and transformed into furniture with their sister company, Sungai Design. At the same time, he launched Make A Change, which raises awareness of ecological issues among local populations.

can the war against plastic pollution be won?

Every minute, the equivalent of a bin lorry full of plastic waste is dumped into the oceans. And at the current rate of production, there will soon be more microplastics than fish in our seas. A time bomb that threatens the environment, health and the climate. After years of inaction, the international community has set itself the goal of reaching a global treaty to put an end to this protean pollution. In Bali, the ‘river warriors’ of the Sungai Watch association are installing filter barriers in rivers to prevent waste from polluting beaches and mangroves. Can the war against plastic pollution be won? Kelly and Gary Bencheghib, from the NGO Sungai Watch, will be sharing their experience with Stéphane Mandard, journalist at Monde Planète, and all the festival-goers.

we don't know...

Have you ever had a good laugh reading an IPCC report? No ? Well, that's normal, because it's not meant to be. On the other hand, if you need a good laugh while talking about ecology, there's my show. It's laughter with full awareness, it's a concept. It means that, throughout the show, you realise that we're going to exceed 2 degrees of global warming but you still laugh... Then you cry. And then you laugh again, and that's what's so great!


Calme is a hilarious stand-up show about anger, hiking, sex, sex toys, consent, haters, enema, justice, ecology and, above all, outrage.



In Légitimes, Nesrine Slaoui gives a voice to those she calls “the illegitimate”: those who navigate between different milieus, with different codes, and whose stories tell the whole story of social construction around notions of legitimacy. In each episode, Nesrine invites a personality, well-known or otherwise, to retrace their journey and discuss the global issues facing transfuges, transclasses and social nomads.

For this live session at WE LOVE GREEN, Nesrine Slaoui will interview Féris Baskat (activist and co-founder of Banlieues Climat) and Souba Manoharane-Brunel (Founder of the ecofeminist association Les Impactrices & Entrepreneur committed to Climate Justice).

what is an ecologically committed work?

What is a work of art? A work that travels on the wind? A work created from natural resources? A work that in itself conveys an engaged message? We'll be answering all these questions with Xavier Veilhan (artist), Stephane Segreto (Artcena's international development manager), Raymond Sarti (scenographer and creator of MobilTéat) and students from the Beaux-Arts Paris, Arts Décoratifs de Paris and Neuvième école schools... A conference moderated by Laure Pressac, director of the Beaux Arts group's cultural engineering division.

let's get vegetable!

Of all human activities, food is both the most essential and the most vulnerable. At a time when politicians are backed into a corner by farmers demanding fair remuneration, let's take a step back with Perrine Bulgheroni and Lola Perier, outstanding market gardeners, and Eric Lenoir, nurseryman and landscape gardener, to understand how to envisage a productive future compatible with the good health of living organisms. A discussion led by eco-entrepreneur Maxime de Rostolan.

where to go?

Well-known for his scathing and inspired punchlines, Aurélien Barrau has decided to offer a new musical format for our festival, accompanied by musician Leïla Huissoud. This musical conference will take a quick look at the state of the world, and suggest some poetic, scientific and revolutionary ways of dealing with the collapse.

meeting with banlieues climat

Banlieues Climat is an association that aims to unite, raise awareness and inspire people in working-class neighborhoods on environmental and climate issues, in order to bring their voices and local projects into the public debate and develop their power to act.

humor - green washing comedy club

The planet's in trouble. We don't have any solutions, but we do have some jokes.
The Greenwashing Comedy Club is a collective of comedians with a simple aim: to bring together the new Parisian stand-up scene that talks about ecology and social justice. Organic, caring stand-up guaranteed 100% eco-anxiety-free!

Dive into our podcasts

In this new series of podcasts, we take a look back at the lectures given at Think Tank 2023 and at previous editions of the festival.

“Travelling differently”, “Be young … and do yourself!”, “The urgency of slowing down”, “Metals, is that too much?”, “Greening our plate to save the planet”, Questions & answers with the IPCC”, “A collective leap forward in the face of systemic challenges” … A variety of themes and a panel of inspiring speakers in podcast format to support you in your daily life.

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